
Ilse Jansen

Customer since:





Transport & Logistics



Mainfreight is a global logistics service provider with locations in Australia, New Zealand, China, United States and Europe.

MultiBel at Mainfreight

Why MultiBel?

Before alarms were made with MultiBel, Mainfreight used call lists. An internal emergency center has always been used. At the central station there was a folder with call lists with the officials spread over the different buildings. Depending on the emergency, the First Response Team, the ER officers or the first aid members were called up. This was literally done by entering a telephone number (hoping that no typing error was made) and waiting for someone to answer and call. It took a lot of time, of course.

MultiBel was chosen, because the other parties that were looked at worked only with an app. With us, not everyone has a company smartphone, so we were charmed by the possibility of making calls.

How did the implementation workout?

During the implementation of the system, MultiBel contributed to the drafting of the scenarios. Guidance has also been given on entering the data into the system.

The MultiBel helpdesk is easily accessible and the explanation given by the employees in case of questions is good. The manuals are also very useful and can be directly passed on to the employees.

MultiBel is actually made in such a way that you can use it without a manual; simple and easy to use.

In what cases will MultiBel be used?

Basically, MultiBel is used to alert the emergency response officers / first aid and members of the First Response Team.

MultiBel is used for:

  • Emergency notification and communication for CERT/ EHBO / FRT.

  • Emergency notification and communication for the Crisisteam en Calamity Coordination Team