GHOR Twente

Customer since:



Twente/ NL


Care, hospitals


Extra hands during the night

GHOR Twente

GHOR Twente (Medical aid organization in the region Twente) has a network of care institutions in Twente that coordinates on preparing for disasters and crises. The network consists of 24 organizations, including many nursing and care homes.

MultiBel at GHOR Twente

In 2014, the goal was set to promote proper preparation by care institutions for disasters and crises that lead to effective assistance in the event of an emergency. GHOR Twente has drawn up the “Extra hands in the night” plan with the representatives of healthcare institutions.

Extra Hands in the Night:

Many care locations, especially the smaller ones, have low occupancy at night. Situations where only 1 person is present at a location at night are no exception. If a calamity breaks out and every second counts, extra hands that help with, for example, receiving, guiding or moving residents are very welcome. It is also important for the emergency services (fire brigade, police) that they are helped by skilled care personnel.

The Extra Hands in the Night project provides an alarm to additional care staff who live in the area. This can be staff, but also staff from other healthcare institutions. Care providers can register on a voluntary basis to be available for emergencies at care locations in the neighborhood. This also requires the cooperation of healthcare institutions to make their staff available and to encourage employees to participate.

MultiBel is used at a multitude of hospitals, nursing and care homes in Twente.

MultiBel is used for:

  • Alerting healthcare professionals (from their own or surrounding organizations)