• Computable award

Computable Award Belgium 2024

June 3rd, 2024|0 Comments

Computable Award Belgium 2024: Security Innovation of the Year On 30 May, we were in Brussels for Cybersec Europe, a leading event focusing on the latest developments and trends in cybersecurity. [...]

  • FD-Gazellen-Internationaal-2024

FD Gazellen International 2024

May 14th, 2024|0 Comments

MultiBel wins a FD Gazellen International 2024 This is the third FD Gazelle we have received, but this is a special one. Namely, we have won an FG Gazelle International. Some background information: The [...]

  • FT 1000 2024

FT 1000 (2024)

March 8th, 2024|0 Comments

MultiBel recognized as one of the fastest growing companies in Europe by Financial Times In a special recognition of continued growth and innovation, MultiBel has been named one of the [...]

  • XCover alarm button

Samsung XCover: Smartphone with alarm button

December 11th, 2023|0 Comments

Samsung XCover smartphone with built-in alarm button Aggression is unfortunately becoming increasingly common in the workplace. Many of our customers ensure that their employees can work more safely. To do [...]

  • 6 Months CEO

6 months CEO

September 20th, 2023|0 Comments

6 months CEO Bauke How were the first 6 months? In two word: super fun! Such a career switch is naturally quite exciting. But the reception by [...]

  • Non-movement App

App recognises non-movement of lone worker

September 8th, 2023|0 Comments

Lone Worker App recognises non-movement MultiBels lone worker solution contains several triggers for quickly alerting the right people: non-movement detection check in intervals – interval control fall detection emergency button [...]

MultiBel reached 150,000 users

June 21st, 2023|0 Comments

Number of MultiBel users reaches 150,000 Den Bosch (The Netherlands), 19 June 2023 – MultiBel, an emergency notification system service that quickly alerts to keep employees safe and react faster [...]

  • follow up alarm

Create a follow up alarm

August 8th, 2022|0 Comments

Follow up alarm: new feature in MultiBel The "Follow up alarm" function allows you to send a new message with additional information to people who have been notified before. A distinction [...]

  • what is MultiBel

What is MultiBel? video 2021

November 2nd, 2021|0 Comments

What is MultiBel 2021? Want to know more about MultiBel? Would you like to try MultiBel? Contact us for a demo and discuss the options [...]

  • Fall detection app

Fall detection app for Lone Worker Safety

December 23rd, 2021|0 Comments

Fall detection app for Lone Worker Safety The MultiBel solution for lone workers contains several options to guarantee the safety of your employees: fall detection alarm button motion detection check in [...]

  • Mobile alarm button

NEW: Mobile alarm button for more safety

February 6th, 2023|0 Comments

A mobile alarm button? Does MultiBel now also sell hardware? The short answer is: “No, MultiBel does not sell hardware”. We do have a number of products, both hardware and software, that we [...]

  • waalboog evacuation system

De Waalboog evacuation alarm system in the cloud

October 17th, 2021|0 Comments

De Waalboog has the first cloud based NEN2575-4 evacuation alarm system The care organisation De Waalboog (Nijmegen, the Netherlands) improves fire safety by installing the first Private Cloud NEN2575-4 evacuation alarm [...]

  • Lone worker emergency button

Lone worker protection with emergency button

June 24th, 2022|0 Comments

Lone worker protection with emergency button Emergency button provides safety for lone workers A mobile emergency button offers people who have to do their work without the supervision of others a [...]

  • check in control

Lone worker app with Check In Intervals

October 11th, 2021|0 Comments

Check in intervals for lone workers with smartphone app MultiBels lone worker solution contains several options: fall detection emergency button motion detection check in intervals - interval control In some [...]

  • patient missing

Scenario: nursing home patient missing

June 29th, 2022|0 Comments

Scenario: Nursing home patient goes missing If, due to for instance wandering, a nursing home patient is missing employees must be alerted and start looking as soon as possible. In [...]

  • Hotel panic button

Protecting Hotel Worker: Panic Button & App

September 26th, 2022|0 Comments

Hotel employees are protected with combination app - panic button In May 2011, there was a report of rape against former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK). At the Sofitel hotel in New York, [...]

  • Computable Awards 2021

Computable awards 2021

July 19th, 2021|0 Comments

Computable awards 2021: MultiBel nominated The Computable Awards are the most important ICT prizes that are awarded annually to companies, projects and individuals that have clearly distinguished themselves in the past year. MultiBel [...]

  • effective emergency notification

Tips: fast & efficient emergency notification

August 21st, 2020|0 Comments

Effective emergency notification vs chaos Why do some organizations alert quickly & efficiently and others don't? We are happy to provide you with a number of tools to improve the emergency notification [...]

  • Lone worker

How to select a Lone Worker system?

June 16th, 2021|0 Comments

6 tips for selecting a Lone Worker System There are many different Lone Worker systems in the market and choosing the right one for your company and employees can be [...]