Healthcare institutions

MultiBel is used by healthcare institutions for many applications. Calling the in-house emergency service, alerting colleagues or the alarm centre in the event of aggression and, of course, as a certified silent alarm evacuation system. By using MultiBel, you can ensure adequate care alarms and limit damage in the event of malfunctions and emergencies.

Emergency Response

The smartphone is becoming increasingly important in hospitals, nursing and care home, it is only logical to also use it for an emergency response notifications. MultiBel always offers different channels in its working method to start an emergency response alert and to reach the people. By also using the Push-to-Talk function in the MultiBel app, communication is possible immediately after an emergency alert.

Emergency Response care
SOS emergency button in case of aggression

Emergency button for care staff

Unfortunately, your staff, both internal and external, often have to deal with unsafe behaviour. They may also be working alone at night. Our certified personal security ensures that your employees always have a way to raise the alarm.

Ambulatory Alerting Methods

Ambulatory work is often part of the healthcare industry. In the event of aggression, staff must be able to trigger a silent alarm at the touch of a button. Colleagues that are in the area or an alarm receiving centre will receive the exact location of the victim and can listen in or speak along.

Ambulatory Alerting Methods
silent alarm

NEN2575-4 Standard – Healthcare Evacuation System

MultiBel is the first cloud solution in Europe to be certified as a wireless silent alarm evacuation system according to the NEN2575-4 standard. Pagers and beacons are finally a thing of the past, replaced by a cloud solution that alerts via smartphone. The risk of consequential damage is reduced by better functionality and higher availability. For example, there is an alarm in case of understaffing, redundancy throughout the chain, and automatic escalation.

Critical Event Management

Certain incidents can escalate quickly, with potentially serious consequences for your people, buildings, reputation, and continuity of care. Our Critical Event Management software is a powerful tool for identifying, analyzing and responding to these types of incidents. It goes far beyond simply alerting people. It ensures business continuity and minimizes disruption.

walkie talkie app smartphone

Walkie-talkie function helps a quick evacuation

Effective evacuation at healthcare institutions is literally of vital importance. There is no time to lose because many people who are not self-reliant are present. Good coordination is important here. After the emergency response officers have been notified via the MultiBel app, they can communicate in the same app via the walkie-talkie function. As a result, they no longer have to collect extra walkie-talkies from the reception, but can immediately start coordinating and clearing. So every second is put to good use during a fire.

Evacuations during the night – “Extra hands in the night”

A nursing home or care home often has limited or not enough staff at night to properly manage an evacuation. In addition, it takes (too) long before the auxiliary troops are present. A lot of time is lost because the employees on site also have to for instance activate a call list in the hectic of the calamity. By using MultiBel, your employees can mobilize the extra helpers with one push of a button. MultiBel has developed a solution in collaboration with the GHOR Twente in the project “Extra hands in the night”. The project results in a much faster arrival of aid workers during a crisis and that they are also present in larger numbers.

Ontruiming zorg stil alarm
missing client

Missing client

When a client is missing, you can easily alert colleagues who are at work. You can also send alerts to colleagues who live nearby in case more help is needed. During the search for the missing client MultiBel can be used for the communication.


MultiBel can easily be linked to surrounding systems for alarms in healthcare, so-called “triggers” such as fire panels, emergency buttons, sensors or monitoring software for the IT networks. The possibilities are almost endless. MultiBel is also often linked on the input side, for example to existing HRM packages such as AFAS or Beaufort.

fire alarm button

Eric van den Hul,
Coordinator Emergency Response team

It is a nice, easy system and very user-friendly. You do not often see in this area that it is understandable without consulting the manual. We noticed in the conversations with MultiBel that “that is not possible”  was never said, instead MultiBel said “we are going to find out”. So far, MultiBel has also made everything we wanted extra.


Liedeke Erkelens,
Staff member Safety

With MultiBel, a larger group of people can be reached than before with the paging.

Hans Poppelaars,
Health and safety advisor
Marcel de Vries,
Building manager

The lines of communication with MultiBel are short. The support desk or the account manager help us when we call, but it also happens that a MultiBel employee sits at the table and gives advice. MultiBel is not a company that keeps distance; the employees think along and that makes it pleasant.

Jens Beerkens,
Sales Consultant MultiBel

MultiBel is the solution to immediately alert, inform or communicate with a large group of people with one action. You can reach healthcare professionals who live near your healthcare facility in minutes. Our call system provides alarms via an app, voice messages, e-mail and SMS. In case of calamities, you will be able to take action better and faster, because communication will start quickly with the right people.

Download business case (in Dutch)

Business case evacuation alarm installation in the cloud

Read in our whitepaper how MultiBel is used as an evacuation alarm system at healthcare institutions in the Netherlands.
Download business case (in Dutch)

More information about the application of MultiBel at healthcare institutions?

Schedule an (online) appointment for free advice or a demo of our notification system.

    Maikel Wijman,
    Sales Consultant MultiBel