NEW: Mobile alarm button for more safety

A mobile alarm button? Does MultiBel now also sell hardware? The short answer is: “No, MultiBel does not sell hardware”. We do have a number of products, both hardware and software, that we regularly link to. The aim is always to alert, inform or communicate as quickly as possible. For example, we have [...]

Lone worker app with Check In Intervals

Check in intervals for lone workers with smartphone app MultiBels lone worker solution contains several options: fall detection emergency button motion detection check in intervals - interval control In some situations, it is sufficient to periodically check that everything is OK with the employee. Some organizations have agreed that the [...]

Technisch Beheer Nederland (TBN) in co-operation with MultiBel

Technisch Beheer Nederland (TBN) enters into co-operation with MultiBel. Technisch Beheer Nederland (TBN) enters into co-operation with MultiBel. The organisation, with headquarters in IJsselstijn, hopes to make an improvement in automation and efficiency with the new alarm solution. Sabine de Lange, managementassistent of TBN, explains the choice for MultiBel: [...]

Tips: fast & efficient emergency notification

Effective emergency notification vs chaos Why do some organizations alert quickly & efficiently and others don't? We are happy to provide you with a number of tools to improve the emergency notification system in order to not have chaos when structure is a prerequisite. Preventing alarm fatigue Easy [...]

Computable awards 2021

Computable awards 2021: MultiBel nominated The Computable Awards are the most important ICT prizes that are awarded annually to companies, projects and individuals that have clearly distinguished themselves in the past year. MultiBel has been nominated by Computable as one of the 10 best software providers of 2021!  nomination: MultiBel makes pager unnecessary [...]

K21047 Wireless Silent Alarm System (WSAS) certified

MultiBel is the first company to be certified according to Kiwa K21047 Wireless Silent Alarm System (WSAS). MultiBel B.V. is the first emergency notification system to be certified according to our certification scheme Kiwa K21047 for Wireless Silent Alarm Systems. The certification is based on European standards. Our MultiBel certification [...]

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