Check in intervals for lone workers with smartphone app

MultiBels lone worker solution contains several options:

In some situations, it is sufficient to periodically check that everything is OK with the employee. Some organizations have agreed that the lone worker will report himself every hour by telephone. If there is no notification, action will be taken. Another possibility is an active check by a colleague or a tour of the security. This is a burden in the work of both the lone worker and the “inspectors”, especially if the inspection has to be done at short intervals and for several employees.

The MultiBel interval check is used in situations where employees are working alone. It is possible to set the check in interval at which the employee should receive a notification. If there is no response to the interval check in the lone worker app, an emergency notification will automatically be started via the MultiBel emergency system.

Schematic representation of the check in interval

We take you through the method of our interval check:

Interval controle alleenwerker


When the employee goes to work, he activates the check in interval by pressing the “Start” button. The interval of the check is predefined in the system and can be adapted to the situation.

Check in confirmed

Based on the defined check in interval, the employee is asked to respond to the control message in the lone worker alarm app.

If the employee responds in time to the periodic check (Check in Confirmed), the interval will start again.

Finish work

When the employee has finished work, he switches off the periodic check himself by pressing “Stop”.

Check in missed

If the employee does not respond in time, a MultiBel emergency scenario (Alert) is started. This scenario and the procedures are predetermined. In any case, it is ensured that targeted action can be taken on the report. In the MultiBel software, for example, it can be chosen that the (present) colleagues or emergency response officers are called to see why the check-in was missed.


The emergency notification contains the option to set up a speak and listen connection with the lone worker. In this way it can be determined as soon as possible to what extent the employee needs help. Those who are called also receive the exact location of the employee.

Lone worker Interval App

Lone worker app without connection

A critical part of lone worker apps is often an active internet connection. If your employees go to places where this is not present, our lone worker app can still function and alert the right people. This is because MultiBel never only works through the internet, but always uses alternative methods to reach people.

Further development of MultiBel periodic check

Please note: our system is always under development and the schematic representation in this blog and the screens in our website shows a simplified picture of the real possibilities. There are many (choice) elements on which MultiBel can be adapted to your specific wish/situation.

Try MultiBel lone worker app with check in control.

Would you like to try the lone worker app with interval control? Contact us for a no-obligation demo and discuss the options tailored to your needs and your situation.