Technisch Beheer Nederland

Technisch Beheer Nederland (TBN) enters into co-operation with MultiBel.

Technisch Beheer Nederland (TBN) enters into co-operation with MultiBel. The organisation, with headquarters in IJsselstijn, hopes to make an improvement in automation and efficiency with the new alarm solution.

Sabine de Lange, managementassistent of TBN, explains the choice for MultiBel:

Our old alarm solution was too limited and very labour-sensitive. We had to correct many things manually. Unlike emergency response alerts, our reports are not always time-critical.

Customer friendly
TBN wants to act more customer-friendly with the new alarm solution:

The control room does not meet our current requirements and we are continuously improving our service. With this collaboration we want to serve our customer even better because we remove a link between them. As a result, we also expect that the process is less prone to errors. MultiBel is developing a system that customers can call in themselves and indicate which technical malfunction it is. In this way, the correct scenario is automatically started and we can immediately get in touch with our customer.

TBN also uses the new schedule import – on call feature. This module only alerts people who are on duty.

Internally, it ensures more job satisfaction because our technicians are no longer called out of bed unnecessarily at night.

About Technisch Beheer Nederland (TBN)

Technisch Beheer Nederland is the independent expert in the field of maintenance and management of all technical installations within a building.

Do you want to know more of MultiBel or the partnership with Technisch Beheer Nederland?

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    Article published in: Emerce and Techvisor.